DiSabatino CPA - Video Blog
Video Blogs
These 2 to 3 minute videos will provide the basic information on an assortment of topics proving your tax deductions should the IRS ask. Keep in mind the new tax law may change many of these strategies for 2018! Check out our written blog for the latest information.
Mike's Latest Blogs
The kids are out of school and summer is well underway. Make sure you understand the rules regarding...
28719 Hits
Wouldn’t it be nice to check out of the workforce early and not have to worry about having enough mo...
29230 Hits
Most taxpayers ignore the federal estate tax, thinking they will never be touched by it. Unfortunate...
30002 Hits
With the tax filing extension giving you until July 15th to file your return, it is easy to overlook...
35341 Hits