The Child & Dependent Care Credit provides a reduction in taxes to offset the cost of daycare when you are employed. The maximum amount of the credit is $3,000 for one dependent or $6,000 for two or more qualifying persons.*

To take advantage of the credit here is what you need to know.

  1. Qualified dependent(s). Your dependent must be under the age of 13. A spouse or older dependent who is physically or mentally unable to care for themselves can also qualify.
  2. Earned Income. You must have earned income to support the credit.
  3. Qualified daycare expenses. You must actually incur the care expense for the qualified dependent.
  4. Financial support requirement. You must maintain the home and financial support for the qualified dependent (more than half the cost and more than half the year).

Here are some tips;

Other details apply. Please ask for help if you wish to review your situation.

*Note: If your employer provides daycare reimbursement as a benefit on your W-2, the employer benefit is limited to $5,000 or $2,500 if married filing separate or single. You can still use excess daycare expenses to maximize your credit to the full $3,000/$6,000 amount.

Call us if you have questions about the tax consequences of employing family members.

DiSabatino CPA
Michael DiSabatino
651 Via Alondra Suite 715
Camarillo, CA 93012
Phone: 805-389-7300

This publication provides summary information regarding the subject matter at time of publishing. Please call with any questions on how this information may impact your situation. This material may not be published, rewritten or redistributed without permission, except as noted here.  All rights reserved.