Starting in 2019, the penalty imposed on people who don't have qualified health insurance will go away. This penalty is still in effect through 2018, however.


Keep in mind that states may decide to impose their own individual mandate penalties. And insurance costs may rise; the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) is projecting a 10 percent increase in health insurance premiums as a result of this tax change.

 As always, feel free to pass this Tip along to friends, and reach out if you need help with your personal tax and finance situation.

DiSabatino CPA
Michael DiSabatino
651 Via Alondra Suite 715
Camarillo, CA 93012
Phone: 805-389-7300

This DiSabatino CPA Quick Tip provides thought invoking information regarding the subject matter at time of publishing. Please call with any questions on how this information may impact your situation. This material may not be published, rewritten or redistributed without permission, except as noted here. All rights reserved.