Your next audit may be an "audit lite"

The IRS is handling more reviews with form letters

In-person audits with an IRS agent are becoming more uncommon. The IRS is instead handling many routine reviews through form letters called correspondence audits.

These IRS letters are a kind of “audit lite” the agency uses to ask for clarification and justification of specific deductions on your tax return. Common issues that trigger a correspondence audit are large charitable deductions, withdrawals from retirement accounts and education savings plans, excess miscellaneous deductions, and small business expenses.

Don’t panic

Don’t panic if you get one of these “audit lite” form letters. The IRS often uses computer programs to compare individual return deductions with the averages for a person’s income level or profession. If you’ve received a letter, you may have simply fallen outside the averages. As long as you respond promptly, thoroughly and with good documentation, it won’t necessarily become a contentious issue.

The key is to keep proper, well-organized documentation under the assumption you may need it to support your deductions. If you do this right, the correspondence audit will end with a “no change” letter from the IRS, acknowledging you’ve addressed their concerns.

The downside

While correspondent audits usually target only a few areas on your tax return, there may be additional complications with this kind of audit. Here are some things to consider:

Remember to ask for help if you receive one of these letters from the IRS.

DiSabatino CPA
Michael DiSabatino
651 Via Alondra Suite 715
Camarillo, CA 93012
Phone: 805-389-7300

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